Tuesday, 23 November 2021

#Maya: Not a Maneater by choice!

             Picture Sourced: The Hindu

"I am T-12, popularly known as Maya...
Sadly, it was you who said I am beautiful despite my deadly claws, and you only suggested that I am magnificent in spite of my killer jaws; it was you who declared me the 'Queen of this jungle' notwithstanding all my crowning flaws, so tell me, how should an uncultivated wild feline like myself be held responsible for misunderstanding your so called civilized cause??? Hmm...

You visit my jungle–my home–to grab your share of thrill, you surround and make me nervous around my own pricey kill; mind you, it's just to survive I put to use my natural skills, but do you really think that it's me who could afford to kill anything (leave alone a human) at will? I don't think so.

Being a mother, I am forced to feel cornered— every now and then—by dominant males or otherwise, and see, now I am at the centre of this ruckus of foul noise; my basic instincts have unfortunately been taken forgranted—I can sadly surmise, but believe me, I am not a Maneater by choice... I am not a Maneater by choice!"
...I am just a T-12 alias Maya—The Tiger Queen of Taru.

PS: Rest In Peace, Swati Dumane (Forest Guard TATR), and I extend my heartfelt condolences to her bereaved family.
~Mediator, Praveen Katiyar.

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