Monday 18 January 2021


~A 'job' is to earn a living, but a  'hobby' gives the meaning to this life; the pleasure sought from my hobby of 'writing' is now the anchor of deriving that drive...
~Rewarding or not, the 'sense of elation' is all required to justify that hedonistic vibe; I know...if my passion is directed with the focus on something, then my efforts for survival will bring many more reasons to thrive...
~No more just an auxiliary activity, rather the pursuit of amusement has now become the mainstay; by virtue of having this progressive hobby, I can stick with it, till my hair turn grey...



  1. Amazing write up Bhaiya...loved reading it

  2. I really like the way you've used the words here. Writting is an art in itself!! 😊👍
