Saturday, 31 December 2022

The Debut


"Some sorrows come to pester more the more they are excused; some sources of happiness escape more the more they are pursued...

But, there will always be that point where the suffering gets eschewed; the point where only 'blessings' await to be embraced—with all its subtler hues...

  The new morning of this New Year is beautiful from every point of view; I have got a reason to cheer the arrival now that dispelled my sordid blues!

I am out with the old now, and I am in with the new—overwhelmed by a swansong that culminates in a debut!"

Thank you, God!
Thank you all!
Happy New Year!
~praveen katiyar

Sunday, 9 January 2022


"Everyone gets '86,400 seconds' to one's credit each morning, and every night the unremarkable ones gets written off as permanently lost; those 'moments of time' is the most valuable asset one can have that pertains to its invaluable cost...
It's never the case of not having enough of it, you see, rather it's about where one's precious priorities fall; nothing else should get the tag of 'worth doing', you see, unless those deeds earn the treasured space in one's 'Total Recall'!"
~praveen #xrhymez

#TotalRecall #Time