Monday, 25 October 2021


"Not to be measured by my earlier faults, nor to be remembered by my latest fall; I may not be what you fathom is all, I am almost always in the state of an overhaul!" ~praveen


"The man of few words can hold all the aces, provided he learns catering 'bitter truth' using euphemism; his 'saffron clad' doesn't depict his way to worldly renunciation, rather supports his amateurish sense of minimalism..." ~praveen



"Dodging something covetous isn't evasion, it is to regard the 'esteemed invaluable' I practice habit cessation; Keeping eyes close shut in the face of everyday elation, in a hope to see greater reason for bigger celebration!"

Wednesday, 20 October 2021



"Condemned by the public having been put and almost always seen in bad light; poor fools often fail to reckon the necessity of solemn power behind the police force, that's meant to save them from the social blight(Crime)!

Every action is on the litmus test today, drawing ever more flak and untoward criticism; not all your fingers fixate equally on your palm, you see, neither the tone and tenor of vibrant colors from a prism...

Dismissed when he comes to enforce the law, and denounced ruthlessly when he could not; he receives less of what he deserves from the system, you see, and asked to return more of what he ought not...

Betrayed by the sensational media—now & then—when the sensitive goodwill is put at stake, such discouraging deterrence dissuades the dutiful from recovering from such heart breaks...

Exposed to countless temptations, and facing real dangers is part & parcel of his job; Let's hail for the Khakhi and the Man within, and long live the Ever Expendable Cop...
...Long Live The Ever Expendable Cop!!!"
~praveen katiyar

Saturday, 2 October 2021

#LongLiveMahatma #021021

Pic credit: World Documentary

"He was a selfless public servant, who embraced the simplicity, utility and elegance subsumed within the notion of minimalism; in order to keep his means of sustenance clean, he practiced before preaching—altruism.

He was the soldier of peace, an advocate of truth, and kept all along the notion of non-violence as his article of faith in humanity; only the master of such truncated yet powerful beliefs, could have attained such distinct singularity!

Not sure about anyone else, but today I felt the need of him to be paraphrased; I don't care, honestly, if following him would be tagged as the plagiarized versions of his ways...

He used to be the master of persuasion, and people thronged to follow him for only he personified the cogent example of morally superior conduct of life; to liberate his nation he embraced the inconvenience of jails, where he even happened to cremate his own loving wife... Such a sacrifice!

His virtuous life will be celebrated, I am sure, for a thousand years to come; no one can ever match his 'spirit to burn' selflessly just to be the guiding beacon!!!"
#021021 #xrhymez