When contradictions in perceptions become addiction, then every other party to a feud starts looking for another's submission...then...
...rubber bullets are pelted, they are then met with rockets & then rockets are met with massive airstrikes; the tension in that 'boiling-pot' has long been simmering—the revival of an age old clash to me thus comes as no surprise...
Some will keep on blaming one for its 'blind aggression', & the another will be blamed for its over-the-top retaliation...but!
...but, the fate of 'retaliation' is to be caught in a 'vicious cycle', that leads to nowhere but a point where no one is spared; after all seeking revenge has never been a one-way street thus 'Two Graves' in advance are always needed to be prepared!!!
Heat of the moment naturally blurs up best of intentions & the most perceptive of all the senses; remember, sooner or later everyone has to sit down—after a war—over a rotten heap of consequences...
In such scenarios, two sets of questions ultimately remain: who follows who?, & who owns what?... I am sorry to say this but unfortunately there are no easy answers to such complex Foods for Thought!!!
...so, I better be ready to hear your story & you listen to mine; our faithfulness to our respective faiths, my friend, will only make our faith more sacred and sublime...
In such battles of attrition, someone just need to break the ice as it's always sensible to reach sooner to the state of compromise; my heart bleeds for the believers who just fail to comprehend an option—eternally present right before their Eyes—PEACE!