Monday, 31 May 2021

My Stupid Younger Self

" Don't fret, my dear stupid younger self ; it's gonna take time to be the best version of yourself!

Don't be impatient dear, & please try to keep all your worries at bay; you will see to it, in the end, that the 'Rome couldn't have been built in a single day'!

So, keep your fingers crossed & keep trying... Like I did! Good Luck!"



Saturday, 29 May 2021

Vivid message, well recieved!

"Mind you, Human!" Interrupted Tiger declared confidently 'baring its teeth'—showing the sign to the Tourist towards his way to retreat...

"...but I am here to make you hit to an instant fame, would you mind telling me at least your name?" Numbed by a unwelcoming treatment, the Tourist could come up with nothing but an option to extend a friendly gesture; but the Tiger was in no mood to receive yet another boring lecture.

" I am not some fool, you fool, who just likes to block  someone's passage, rather my motive behind this act is to extend a 'vivid message'." Tiger quipped & continued...
—"I am the king of this jungle, not your pet; you cross the line, & you will regret!"

The Tourist got the vivid message, & chose to retreat; but of course with a 'shot of his lifetime'— to serve us all a memorable treat!

Beautiful Shot, definitely a treat! Kudos, Mr.Tourist Tauseef_traveller!

~praveen katiyar

Friday, 28 May 2021

Who's the Boss?

"Every bit of this refined magnificence exudes a sense of excitement , causing a ripple in the pleasure seeking elements of my true existence!

Remember, that the aesthetics expressed here is definitely not without substance; & to take the glimpse of that breathtaking persona , I do not give a second thought to the prospects of covering great-distance!

So much I get hypnotised in the action that I often ignore the safety-sense, & get all immersed in the oneness with the creature as if there are no separating fence(real or unreal)!!!"

I just love it—the Tiger šŸ…❣️

~Praveen katiyar

Pic credit: tauseef_traveller

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Let's Be Compassionate!

Let's be compassionate, equally towards the confusions of the ordinary & the lonesomeness of the unique; let's be compassionate towards the arrogance of the powerful equally, as one should towards the helplessness of a Weak!!!

Not essentially showing pity but understanding the pain of someone's suffering will/can do; the 'virtue' that can save the world today can be the inert-compassion— withheld by you!!!

To be compassionate today, let's learn to pay the heed to the destined call; a call to start standing 'All for One & One for All'!

~Praveen Katiyar


Sunday, 23 May 2021

Seeds of Hatred

Dreadful criminals are feared & the addicted ones (to alcohol, drugs, etc.) are rightfully loathed; such disgrace to the civility of the society is generally just being abhorred... But!

...but, the most prominent of all emotions are reserved for the one, who show some promising signs of 'his' progressive dimensions; then they can't resist but be 'jealous' of those promises of success, & become 'covetous'  of all of 'his' virtuous possessions...

...'hatred' follows... As it is here, where the degree of that natural dislike culminates; in such 'covetous-qualities', unfortunately, the seeds of Hatred germinate!!!

...So, all 'He' has now to do, is remain watchful of such begrudged Green-eyed envious beings; especially till the time he makes it to the so called SUCCESS— that they have never seen!!!

... Then they'll just start admiring him! LOL...

Quoting someone,"Jealousy is counting the blessings of others than your own".

~ Praveen katiyar


4 a.m.

Poetry Vs Music

Tonight Someone claimed, " music is just highest form of poetry".

Then I exclaimed, "No!", & Begged to humbly differ from him in following words...

—"You are mistaken to have compared two different things, when both are played by different set of strings...

One 'rhymes' to release it  & the another attains 'rhythm' by applying pressure; how dare you to set the levels when both can't accurately be measured!!!

A 'Poem' is incomplete without having a certain 'ring' to it, & the 'Music' more often seen looking for 'words'; the soul of both the best versions of humanly expressions often lies in something absurd...

...So, please don't be so logical!"

~praveen katiyar


Friday, 21 May 2021

Human-Wildlife Conflict: A Tale of COEXISTENCE with TigeršŸ…!

A lot of patient drives had gone into, just to find the desired spot; a numbing weight of the awaited hours has brought to you—allegedly—the perfect Shot!

The Premise of this background is so gripping & intense that I couldn't resist  to be humbly compelled; along with this beautiful 'frame', thus, I hereby insist to bring before you a scary yet intriguing story to tell...

The Gory Story Of A

'White Grave':

A middle aged women was killed in the core zone, & it was nothing but a Tigress's impulsive undertaking; women's body was dragged to the buffer zone by the Tigress later, where her three Cubs were in the waiting...

The Tigress & the Cubs had had their stomach full by the time the news of the rare kill broke out; Forest department could only recover some body parts—blaming delayed calls & belated shouts...

It might have been the conflict between the 'struggle for survival' & the never ending 'interest to encroach'; but unfortunately 'wild' only bears the blame of it, when 'civil' must also share that disgraceful reproach!

Ironically, a curious 'Tiger' poses an imminent danger to Humans, when it ventures into an inhabitated place; then how come 'Humans' get perturbed, when asked to give the magnificent Tiger the similar respect & space!??

Incidently... The 'white grave' here, belongs to that unfortunate woman who risked it all to be the 'easy prey'; this picture should thus serve as a living reminder to people living around, of what happens when the 'Jungle-rules' are betrayed!

Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) is real, but what's more saddening is the inconclusive ending; if it can't be the case of 'We or Them', then the need of the hour is some serious mending with a heart felt understanding...

'People' in general care for resources, & the 'wildlife' cares for its pristine habitat; no party will have to bear the consequences of a conflict, if none disagrees to agree with another's diktats!

Conflict is not their principle raison d'etre, but competition for the shared resources is  the Culprit that lies at the core; the illusive harmony could only be possible, my friend, by sorting the variables individually, that causes such discordant discords...

We(Humans & Wildlife) started the journey for 'domination' together, but the uncivilised ones left far behind in the race; the ways of defining the 'HWC' has just changed recently, but in 'History books' its source  could still be traced...

The onus to define this conflict today, lies with the doyen who could kill anything—not just to consume; the meaning of COEXISTENCE is needed to be internalised in letter & spirit, & the actions to ensure it must timely resume!

...Sooner the better, I presume...

Sooner the better, I presume!

~praveen Katiyar

Pic credit: tauseef_traveller

#22521 3:20 a.m.




Thursday, 20 May 2021

The Cast-Away...

"Wow, what a fantastic chance to  meet the 'Chuck Nolan's' fate; I would certainly like to live the role Mr.Tom Hanks had played!!!
Three things I would like to take along if I were to be a Cast-Away:
One, Unlike Mr.Wilson, a living-sexy mate!
Two, a sharp & reliable blade!
Three, 'a reason' not to come back to this world where from I am about to escape!"

#MrWilson #CastAway #EscapePlan

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Morning Vibes...

"First I clean the unclean, then I kickstart my system with a mug-full of 'caffeine'...

..Even though looks as basic as breathing is, but certainly not unremarkable & mundane; my morning routine is a way of worshiping the fundamentals that help me sustain!!!"



Sunday, 16 May 2021

Thin Line!

Limits or No limits..Do it! #Charity

"It is basically a general tendency to surpass the matrix of a 'thin-line', we can't just blame the jumpers when the discreetness of the limits are finer than fine...

...therefore..."Let them do the 'needful', even though the intentions are flawed; after all 'charity' sees the need of it, & not some fancy cause!!!"

Jai hind



Peek Inside!

"They may pretend to overlook the obvious, and may force you to focus always on the flip side; they are afraid of the 'turn of events' you'd experience, once—by chance— you've peeked inside!"




Shades Of TigeršŸ…

1. Eyes Of Death:
"Perfectly captured the magnificence—giving away the cares of stealth; the lucky bravery must have delved deeper to get the glimpse of beauty in those 'Eyes of Death'! " #EyesOfDeath

2. Colour Of Rage:
"Embracing with Grace the atonement for asking to be left alone; this 'monocrome' depicts the true colour of this juvenile's raging hormones—Sheer Rage!"
3. I am always watching:
"Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent shadow of magnificence can wilfully haunt; the sight of the magestic ultimately depends upon his Majesty's own whims & wants..."
4. Fire in the Jungle:
"Having seen many firebrands, this one provokes me most being the unique type; this šŸ… in particular deserves the metaphor of Fire—for sporting some fantastic flames wearing some elegant stripes..."
#fantasticflames #elegantstripes
~Author: Praveen Katiyar
Photo credit: Tausif Ahmed
Twitter: @cosmo_2014

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Don't be a weed!

"Without aspirations nothing grows but ever loathed daunting #WEED ; even though they themselves come with a destiny written—on their formative phantom seeds...

...They fail to match the purpose of the seer, & thus repulsed for rejoicing their prime; they are destined to pay the price for growing & blooming in the wrong place at the wrong time..."

(Takeaways: Aspire, have a dream, find a purpose, be liked, & if possible loved...sacrifice, find your place, leave a mark, leave the legacy, and then Rejoice!)



Picture credit: Elephant Journal.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Eid Mubarak!


When contradictions in perceptions become addiction, then every other party to a feud starts looking for another's submission...then...

...rubber bullets are pelted, they are then met with rockets & then rockets are met with massive airstrikes; the tension in that 'boiling-pot' has long been simmering—the revival of an age old clash to me thus comes as no surprise...

Some will keep on blaming one for its 'blind aggression', & the another will be blamed for its over-the-top retaliation...but!

...but, the fate of 'retaliation' is to be caught in a 'vicious cycle', that leads to nowhere but a point where no one is spared; after all seeking revenge has never been a one-way street thus 'Two Graves' in advance are always needed to be prepared!!!

Heat of the moment naturally blurs up best of intentions & the most perceptive of all the senses; remember, sooner or later everyone has to sit down—after a war—over a rotten heap of consequences...

In such scenarios, two sets of questions ultimately remain: who follows who?, & who owns what?... I am sorry to say this but unfortunately there are no easy answers to such complex Foods for Thought!!!, I better be ready to hear your story & you listen to mine; our faithfulness to our respective faiths, my friend, will only make our faith more sacred and sublime...

In such battles of attrition, someone just need to break the ice as it's always sensible to reach sooner to the state of compromise; my heart bleeds for the believers who just fail to comprehend an option—eternally present right before their Eyes—PEACE!



Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Delivering dream...

"There is 'no failure' except in no longer trying for a delivering dream or a liberating stuff; fate fails to beat the person who accepts the offer of giving up— by denying to be rushed...

They say, when the going gets tough, tough gets going— but— never forget to respect the difference between giving up & knowing when you've had enough...

...knowing when you've had enough!"


Sunday, 9 May 2021


In my Ugliness, in my Badness & even so when I wasn't so Good, She was the one who stood by me by being the one who always understood!

She has been the one to look after me, & by whom my recklessness was equally overlooked; she is the one who scolded me for not trying, & the one to appreciate my every initiative(big or small)—I accidently took.

I will never be separate from her, as I am carrying a part of hers in every subtleness of 'Me'; I am nothing but an 'alter ego' of hers, ask the mirror—as I look into it, and see what I am not supposed to see...

...I see my 'Mother' in me...

...I see my 'Mother' in me!






Saturday, 8 May 2021

Bye bye weekends...

...Blurred are the lines... Work has now breached the comfort of my 'homely time'!

Everything seems mixed up—jumbled are the peripherals with the confounded core; crushing is my inability where I can't leave 'Work at Work' anymore!

In my 'precious Saturdays', something special always used to smell; bidding adieu to that 'sense of weekend', was no less than an emotional farewell...

...'Wasting time' in those weekends was one of my speciality; Prior to this LOCKDOWN, a succor was sought [in it] by my lethargic 'happy Sundays mentality'....

...Missing my 'happy Sundays' mentality'!

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Clean Slate...


set to get back to this reminiscent state,

a little nervous though of that 'clean slate'..."


Monday, 3 May 2021


"Many prefer to turn a 'blind eye' & pretend as if none of it is their affair; Their own infested 'shabby conscience' prevents them from acting against something—unjust & unfair..."



Saturday, 1 May 2021

May Day...Mayday!!!

Rather than putting the reasons to celebrate, I am using this day to sound the 'distress call'; hoping for someone to pay the heed to this humble call for an 'overhaul'...

The 'classic paradox' is adorned with a set of overwhelming ironies—according over protection to the 'organised' ones actually worsening the unorganised's ever existent agony...

Theft is illegal, so, one shall not steal!

But, I have got a universal reason to justify one's dire need... You may not sense the desperation in their eyes, but only by the virtue of their unfortunate deeds— who were compelled to provide their dependent wards with 'at max' two square meals...

It's time we assured them of their 'valuable presence', by an acknowledgement—irrespective of their 'invisibility'... The dwellers of the edge, in this hour of crisis, at least deserve a little sympathy...

It's time we celebrated their liveliness, who show up anyhow just to earn the livelihood... Let's hope they again be handful with the jobs— even though beneath the dignity of human hood...

...beneath the dignity of human hood!

~praveen katiyar

Twitter: @cosmo_2014

Note: Dedicated to the 'unorganised workers' of India.



