Suicide Note:
* Even though it's not visible but the reason is evident, behind every suicide attempt at least one killer is always existent!
* Pursuit of happiness has been a flawed venture, as there is nothing happy about the happiness I have found ; clear vision through the dispelled mist is as clear as the calling of that ultimate sound...
* When the rock bottom keeps on lowering it's depth and when the worst keeps on becoming worse; a man is bound to give up, when doubts fail to come to crust for dispelling and obscurities refuse to give way to faith and trust...
* Every now and then a man of virtue experiences this state of melancholy and depression is just a clinical name of a new normal state of being; nothing comes in handy to save the lonely, when bonds of love and support, that once mattered, loses its soothing sheen...
* I should have died by now, had those attachments didn't play their role till now;
it's just a matter of time you see, as it is already being decided for where and how...
* The decision to do it by myself, according to me, is the most satisfying & solemn pledge; much better option to detour the evil-wishers who have waited long to push me through the edge...
* A Society degrades suicide, as such attempts are made while firmly holding the mirror to show it its true face; society prefers to follow the "Ostrich approach" (sticking head into the sand) so that the truth shall not be faced...
* Hope to live is fragile, that hinges upon some dreams, that in turn cling by a thin thread; the unsung suicide attempts should rather be celebrated and always be taken in good stead...
* Role-playing of a pedestal has kept me imprisoned, and in a way pseudo alive; it's time to kill the former self with the spirit of revival, just to breathe & revive...