Monday, 29 June 2020

Suicide Note!

Suicide Note:
* Even though it's not visible but the reason is evident, behind every suicide attempt at least one killer is always existent!
* Pursuit of happiness has been a flawed venture, as there is nothing happy about the happiness I have found ; clear vision through the dispelled mist is as clear as the calling of that ultimate sound...
* When the rock bottom keeps on lowering it's depth and when the worst keeps on becoming worse; a man is bound to give up, when doubts fail to come to crust for dispelling  and obscurities refuse to give way to faith and trust...
* Every now and then a man of virtue experiences this state of melancholy and depression is just a clinical name of a new normal state of being; nothing comes in handy to save the lonely, when bonds of love and support, that once mattered, loses its soothing sheen...
* I should have died by now, had those attachments didn't play their role till now;
it's just a matter of time you see, as it is already being decided for where and how...
* The decision to do it by myself, according to me, is the most satisfying & solemn pledge; much better option to detour the evil-wishers who have waited long to push me through the edge...
* A Society degrades suicide, as such attempts are made while firmly holding the mirror to show it its true face; society prefers to follow the "Ostrich approach" (sticking head into the sand) so that the truth shall not be faced...
* Hope to live is fragile, that hinges upon some dreams, that in turn cling by a thin thread; the unsung suicide attempts should rather be celebrated and always be taken in  good stead...
* Role-playing of a pedestal has kept me imprisoned, and in a way pseudo alive; it's time to kill the former self with the spirit of revival, just to breathe & revive...

Thursday, 25 June 2020


#Rearrangement of many rigid systems seems feasible now and alternate definitions are now being given to the hitherto—thought to be— "unalterable" chores;
So much is on the anvil for reshaping now, as so less was at stake ever before!!!



Sunday, 14 June 2020



#Even though it's not visible but the reason is existent, behind every suicide at least one culprit is always evident!
#The news of Sushant's death came as a shock , it is a shame that he could not avail any help for other options to be unlocked!
#Such a bright future awaiting, so many opportunities might have awaited to knock on his door; the flight in those high skies is very pleasant, you see,  provided you don't lose the sight of the left behind distant floor!
#Howsoever dark the spot of a blight could have been, there is always a space where one's plight could be heard; a life without friends is a colourless mosaic, my friends, as true friends can act as shock absorbers, when in need, for the reasons howsoever absurd!
#you must have been pushed to the last mile, dear Sushant, & for the reason you have charted it, was only known to you; the pangs of a Broken heart is unfathomable, I know, and could be endured by only a gifted few...

P.S: I wish you had the cushion & support of family & friends in need... #RIPSushant

Friday, 5 June 2020


*The masquerading aroma from a kitchen sometimes is meant to compensate the stench of the putrid slaughter place; & the sight of that repugnant market place is meant to be forgotten when the 'meat' of such innocent animals is served in fancy lavishly plates...
*Our delusions in arrogance are costing us our sobriety & will cause our tag of being a ''Sensible Human" to go simply waste; this apparent Oasis may mislead us to a mirage in this fleeting realm of scent & taste...

*A picture speaks a thousand words yet sometimes words are needed to shake one's conscience; speechless agony of this poor gullible #mother_elephant says it all, who dared to roam beyond her confines...

*She(#mother_elephant) had to pay for the trust we(human)had earned and that booby-trap #pineapple had been sufficient to make sure that the lesson was learned; yet, She (#mother_elephant) must have been thankful for the fate she met—saving her baby from such fateful future encounters with the rulers of this world... 

After all we are the ruler of this world!!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


हर 'खूबसूरत' चीज़ पर अपना हक़ सा लगता था; गर 'शिद्दत' बेज़ार ना होती तो आज हर वो चीज़ मेरी होती।
 Date- june-3-2020, morning 6 a.m.